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What You Need To Know About E-Signatures

May 12, 2016

What You Need To Know About E-Signatures

For many companies during the last 5-10 years, technology has become an increasingly important part of the workplace. Not only do employees expect the latest tech gadgets to make their jobs easier, but customers and clients expect technology to be used to make doing business with your company simple. One important technology you can start implementing in your office without too much difficulty is e-signatures.

Many people have an idea what e-signatures are, but don’t know much beyond the basics. Here are some of the most important things to know about e-signatures.

  • E-signatures are not the same as digital signatures: E-signatures and digital signatures, though similar, are different. E-signatures are created by signing a piece of paper, scanning it and using that picture as a signature. This is often done by salespeople. An e-signature is also as simple as entering your name on an online form and clicking an agree button. Digital signatures have some form of encryption, like password protection or your bank account or medical records web interface.
  • E-signatures save time: With e-signatures, you can drag and drop your signatures on electronic documents. The traditional signature method involves printing a form, signing it, scanning it and sending it back.
  • E-signatures save money: No need to waste resources on printer paper, ink and envelopes with e-signatures. You can sign many documents and send them where they need to go right from your computer.
  • Clearly display the terms of the agreement: For legal purposes, you still need to make sure the documents being e-signed are clear. The convenience of e-signatures doesn’t mean you can deceive people who will be using the document.
  • Select the right vendor: Not all e-signature software is the same. Though there are similarities in each, you need to pick the one that works best for your business and customers who might be using it. If you have e-signature software that is too complicated, no one will use it, and your business will have wasted money on the initiative.
  • Your ROI is more than just saving paper: E-signatures make many parts of your business faster and less expensive. For example, you can recognize revenue faster if money comes in via electronic signatures instead of mailed checks.
  • E-signatures are safe: Making a big change to the technology your business uses can be problematic if not executed properly or if the technology fails. But e-signatures are safe. Many large companies, including banks and insurance companies, rely on the technology. If these kind of businesses, which require great security, can use e-signature software, so can you!

formsRus provides e-signature solutions to clients in the United States and Canada. For more information about how e-signatures can change your business for the better, please contact us today.

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